This project sets out to fix one problem, "When typing in a country in a search bar and the country is accidentally misspelled, how will the computer know what I mean?". It is an intriguing question, a computer cannot "infer" like a human can.
This program can however find and return whatever countries you intend, even if the spelling was lost in typos. This is done mainly using what is called Levenshtein Distance.
What is Levenshtein Distance? Essentially it is the amount of corrections required to fix a misspelled word. Japn is has a distance of 1 from Japan, Mexo has a distance of 2 from Mexico and so on. The program already contains a vast database of
country names, so the algorithm can choose those countries that are close to your input!
Our project has been able to successfully implement all the cases you may need to find a country. Our program can:
The best team in the world.
Senior, University of Dayton, Computer Science
Senior, University of Dayton, Computer Science
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